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“(...) The daily papers talk of everything except the daily. The papers annoy me, they teach me nothing. What they recount doesn’t concern me, don’t ask me questions and doesn’t answer the questions I ask or would like to ask. .

What’s really going on, and what we’re experiencing, the rest, all the rest, where is it? How should we take account of, question, describe what happens every day and recurs every day: the banal, the quotidian, the obvious, the common, the ordinary, the infra-ordinary, the background noise, the habitual?


To question the habitual. But that’s just it, we’re habituated to it. We don’t question it, it doesn’t question us, it doesn’t seem to pose a problem, we live it without thinking, as if it carried within it neither questions nor answers, as if it weren’t the bearer of any information. This is no longer even conditioning, it’s anesthesia. We sleep through our lives in a dreamless sleeo. But where is our life? Where is our body? Where is our space?

How are we to speak of these ‘common things’, how to track them down rather, flush them out, wrest them from the dross in which they remain mired, how to give them a meaning, a tongue, to let them, finally, speak of what is, of what we are. (…)”

Georges Perec, 

L’infra-ordinaire: Inventory of Everyday Life,


art of everyday life

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